Objectives and Checklist For a New Digital Marketing Managers

Objectives and Checklist For a New Digital Marketing Managers

What can I do to improve my marketing results? The fact is that many times the figure of the marketing director remains at the same point as always. The goal of this post is to help you get further in your role.

Indeed you already have a lot of ideas on how to change and improve the strategy, the department or the brand. Still, indeed with this checklist for new digital marketing managers, you can strengthen and enhance your entry into the company as a marketing manager.

25 ideas for new marketing managers

1. Listen, and find out about all the current operations.

  • Show yourself openly without judging until you understand why things are the way they are today.
  • Ask to be an observer at team meetings. Conduct an informal interview with each member to understand their abilities and skills.
  • Meet the current team, agencies and suppliers.
  • Meet with the commercial department (if there is one) and understand their expectations.

2. Know in depth the needs and motivations of the CEO or management committee when hiring you. Set expectations from the get-go.

3. Establish an effective communication channel with the CEO or management committee. Email, weekly, daily, monthly meetings, or whatever you consider optimal.

4. Review the brand’s corporate identity, image and positioning in the market.

5. Please review the technical infrastructure so that it is optimal and usable by everyone: CRM, WEB, EscaparatesLandings

6. Identify your buyer persona and ideal target. Think about where to find it.

7. Set up project management software: Trello, Asana…

8. Define the essential members of your team and involve them in your plans.

9. Review the main KPIs of the business and confirm that their tracking is correct.

10. Establishes a dashboard or global control panel. You can use DataStudio, PowerBI…

11. Audit current marketing and recruitment channels. Rely on internal professionals but also request an external vision of your paid media channels: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads…

12. Perform an SEO audit of the website.

13. Review the previous cost items and establish unnecessary expenses that can lead to cost savings and an applicable budget increase.

14. Make sure you have a clear and marked budget to avoid possible future conflicts.

15. Establish a predictive marketing system that helps with data to improve results: ratings, etc.

16. Create an inbound marketing and nurturing strategy for users and leads.

17. Establish a timing for each action you propose. Make it clear that only some things will be immediate and that it is a long-term plan.

18. Become an ambassador of the company itself. Align your speech and your beliefs with those of the company. There is nothing more potent than a motivated person with a project.

19. Communicate successes with owners up and down the organization.

20. Analyze your competition, and extract ideas: semrush, Facebook library, Google Ads…

21. Do a SWOT.

22. Analyze your competition’s prices and consider adjusting upwards or downwards to be competitive or more profitable.

23. Understand the seasonality of the sector and propose adapted measures.

24. Detect repetitive tasks performed by your team and automate them to gain productivity.

25. Establish a CRO strategy in your company that allows you to improve your website conversion incrementally and continuously.

Also Read: Best Digital Marketing Strategies and Campaigns

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