Netflix Changes its Policy of Blocking Shared Accounts

Netflix Changes its Policy of Blocking Shared Accounts

After announcing the streaming platform’s plan to block shared accounts a few days ago, Netflix has reversed the removal of these subscriptions globally. Or at least it seems so at the moment.

Based on the information provided by the Netflix support pages, which have now disappeared, detailing how the anti-account sharing functions will be implemented, Netflix spokeswoman Kumiko Hidaka explained in a statement. 

Delivered to “The Streamable” and “The Verge “that “for a brief time on Tuesday, a help centre article containing information that only applies to Chile, Costa Rica and Peru, was published in other countries. We have since updated it.”

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The notice that set the end of March as the date for the start of deleting shared accounts and that generated significant controversy among users is no longer on the platform’s page. 

According to information provided by Netflix spokespersons, this information is only available on the pages of the test countries of Central and South America, which is where it will be implemented.

As you will remember, we launched ‘Extra Member’ in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru in March. But the United States and other countries do not have it, “Hidaka said, adding:” The only thing we have confirmed so far is that, as we already said in the earnings report published on January 19, we hope to start implementing the use shared pay more broadly during the first quarter of the year.

With these declarations, the measure that intended to force users to connect once a month to the central Wi-Fi of the account, which was intended to verify that the devices that used the account shared a single IP, was eliminated. 

However, we know that Netflix plans to roll out password sharing more broadly in the coming months and that the platform has tested these new conditions with its subscribers in Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru since early last year.

Verification Codes

Finally, the platform has changed this text to another in which the blocks and IP addresses are not mentioned. Instead, it talks about measures such as using verification codes every few days on the devices that use the account. 

“When you sign in to an account from a device outside your home or start using that device frequently, we may ask you to verify it before you can use it to watch or change your Netflix home. We do this to confirm that the device that uses the account is authorized to do so,” they explain on the support page after the new update.

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